
Don't Hide from the ECONOMY!!!

Real Estate Agent with 360 Realty 239529
Don't Hide from the Economy!

Come on out from under that Rock...I can see you!  Don't be scared!  When you come to the end of your life and you stand at the peak of the tallest mountain, you will then understand that it is not the BEING at the peak that was the best was GETTING there.  The journey often means so much more than the arrival. 

Yes, our economy is a little sad right now.  In fact, some of you are downright upset and angry with where this is going.  Hold your head up!  Things are GOING to get better.  Go online and google the last two recessions that we have had as a Country and see how people felt then.  This happens every decade or so, and is a natural part of Freedom and Capitalism.

To truly appreciate the Sunny days, we have to have rain clouds come through every now and again!  So get out your Umbrella, strap on your rain boots, and IGNORE the rain!  Tomorrow will be better, and the day after that will be better still.  The day after that will rock, and next year you will be in a New Sunny Place enjoying your new day. 


Tracey G. Shrouder


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Michelle Roethle
Windermere Peninsula Properties - Belfair, WA
Your NorthWest "Real Estate Solution"

I agree and thanks for the post. I read up on the facts when I didn't understand what was happening. I am sure that so much media now a days doesn't help matters. But it does happen throughout history and it always turns around.

Nov 16, 2008 03:02 PM
Tony DeLuke
Markley Realty - Cuyahoga Falls, OH


    Amen to that! It's nice to interact with positive people! Good Post!!


Nov 16, 2008 03:52 PM
Joddie Roberts
Mountain Real Estate and Property Management - Spokane, WA
Your Spokane Realtor - Spokane, WA

Tracey what purpose does it serve to move forward unless we believe things will get will, we just need to hang in there.

Nov 16, 2008 03:55 PM