A few months ago I shot some aerial photos for the Jim Christensen Lakeshore Marketing Group--Brainerd Realtor
If you plan on doing your own aerials: 1. make sure you can open the window on the airplane you hire, 2. set your camera mode to aperture priority, iso to 400 and f stop at about f5.6 so you can have a fast enough shutter speed to make sharp images, 3. for lenses, something between 70mm-200mm is good for close ups of houses, but if you want wide shots you will also need something in the 30mm-50mm range. I used an 18-200mm for these shots, 4. bring along a satellite image from Google Maps, and have the property marked so you know how to get there, and go over everything with the pilot before you take off, 5. make sure your camera strap is around your neck.
More pictures at Brainerd Photographers & Virtual Tours in Brainerd