
Adding just a few accessories really livens up a space

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker

I recently was called by a Realtor friend who's house has been on the market for about 3 months. She has great taste so she didn't think it was necessary for me to help her stage her house. She had mostly good comments about the house but recently received one that said it felt cold and sterile. Here are the before and after pictures. It really was a minimal staging, just a few items, but it really did go a long way to make the space more welcoming.

Master Before

Master after

Bed before

Bed after

Posted by

Kelly Townsend, Realtor, ASP, CDPE

Coldwell Banker

600 Bicentennial Way, Suite 100

Santa Rosa, CA 95403

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Donna Schoby
Liberty Bank of Arkansas - Bentonville, AR

Kelly, looks great. I'm working a a home that I did the same thing in the bedroom. I only added about 5 things to the room, that the homeowner already had. Sometimes it doesn't take much.

Nov 17, 2008 11:58 AM
Robyn Guinn
StageAZ - Phoenix, AZ
Home staging, Arizona

Hi Kelly, oh that really looks nice.  I bet it feels better too.  Nice work!

Nov 17, 2008 11:49 PM
Kym Hough
www.Staged-to-Sell - Danville, CA
Staged to Sell East Bay - Danville, CA

the little things make such a difference.  Cold and sterile...just should be in this market. It's all about warm and cozy to get the home sold. Hi kelly! Kym

Nov 18, 2008 01:26 AM
Michelle Pimentel
Empire Home Staging Solutions - Upland, CA
ASP, IAHSP Empire Home Staging


Funny how just a few additions can change the way a room feels.  I love the branch piece you hung above the bed,... looks great! 

Nov 18, 2008 02:05 AM
Susan Cunningham
NE Atlanta Home Staging - Suwanee, GA
R.E.VISION - Suwanee, GA

Do you remember that game that was in the newspaper where you would compare 2 pictures to see what different?  I loved that exercise! 

And in comparing your B&A's - what a nice difference!  You really notched it up!  And it was done with just a few changes, but what a difference it made - good eye for detail!


Nov 18, 2008 02:10 AM
Melissa Marro
Keller Williams First Coast Realty - The Marro Team - Orange Park, FL
Jacksonville Real Estate and Home Staging

Isn't it great what a change a few small pieces can make?  Looks great!

Nov 18, 2008 02:47 AM
Kathy Nielsen - Marietta, GA
Atlanta Georgia Home Stager

Great example of how it doesn't really take a whole lot of accessories to have a more polished look.

Congratulations.  Your post is being featured in the group; Staging Before & After Pictures.


Nov 18, 2008 02:55 AM
Kelly Townsend
Coldwell Banker - Santa Rosa, CA
CDPE, Realtor

Donna - You're right it doesn't take much!

Robyn - thanks and it does feel much better. It feels like a real master retreat.

Hi Kym - thanks for dropping by. Hope business is better in the East Bay than the North Bay!

Michelle - That branch piece works so well in so many situations. Probably my favorite staging item!

Susan - I love those games too. You're right. Can you circle the things that changed?

Melissa - Thanks. KISS is my motto. Keep it simple sister.

Kathy - Wow, I'm honored. Thanks for the feature.

Nov 18, 2008 05:45 AM
Annie Pinsker-Brown
Stage to Sell - LA Home Staging - Los Angeles, CA
Stage to Sell, Los Angeles Home Stager

Great post to show that it's the little things that can make a HUGE impact! Great work!

Jan 08, 2009 07:32 AM
Carol Clay
Looking Glass Realty - Brevard, NC
Broker/REALTOR, Brevard NC Real Estate Specialist

Isn't it just amazing what a few, well placed things will do to warm up a home. A pillow here, a throw's all good!

Jan 09, 2009 04:30 AM
Michelle Finnamore
Toronto GTA, Alliston, Newmarket - Vaughan, ON
Preparing your property for sale

Simple and effective. I bet you have a winner here now. Let us know when it sells. Thanks for sharing

Jan 09, 2009 07:34 AM