The longer I live and more successful, purpose-driven people I am privileged to meet and developed relationships with, the more I am convinced that one of the greatest secrets to success in any area of life is the ability to keep moving forward in the face of rejection.
Rejection is an interesting thing. None of us like it, so most people try to avoid it. But if we avoid rejection, we are also simultaneously avoiding success aren't we?
I once read; Winning in life is more important than winning a popularity contest.
To rise to a higher level where rejection can't touch us we must break free from the belief that we need to get everyone to like us. This was and still is a hard lesson for me to learn and I thought I would share it with you this morning. Some people reject you and I, because of some other past mistreatment that may have experienced with someone in your profession. Their rejection of you is simply a way of protecting themselves from being hurt again. It's up to you and I to help them and break though these walls they have put up. Once we do that, we will have a client for life who will proudly refer you out to their friends and family!
Have a great week.