Its about time someone took the lead and created a website for agents and brokers nationwide. Advantageml has come up with a software program that allows members to use a virtual tour
program that was designed for dummys!!! this thing rocks. They have made the move to create a national listing and networking site for agents and brokers. They got a ton of training tools, they've lined up a bunch of sales and marketing webinars with national real estate gurus and for me the big thing is unlimited use of thier virtual tour. I have seen and tried so many differant VT's this one is great.
I have talked with thier CEO and founder Dan Cheadle and he explained that thier goal is to be the dominant national listing website within three years. Dan has been in real estate for about 20 years and has been working on adavntageml the last three years because he felt that there were alot of things lacking
for the average real estate agent as far as tools, training and unique marketing ideas along with the idea
for agents to be able to network and list side by side.
They have just launched the site and are focusing on populating as quickly as they can. If you have time you should really check them out, I think we finally have a resourse that all agents can afford.