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Bail out, foreclosure and government

Real Estate Agent with Realty Executives Experts

In today's crisis government is not the solution to the problem, government is the problem. 

We as real estate agents have a duty to the public to keep real property free property.  The very foundation of the existense of this nation is embodied in free market capitalism.  The inalienable rights are "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," or property.  These three rights are intertwined and property ownership is the foundation by which these rights are secured and enjoyed.  The Founders of this government realized that individual people are soveriegns unto themselves and thus all law should be gravitating around this understanding.  The US Constitution as well as the Constitution of each state is a mere treaty on how these soveriegns are to act.  A question arises out of this and that is where did the governing bodies procure the right to directly tax the people on income and property. 

Today the government is promising money and whose money is it?  It is ours.  Convenient they state the wealthy but that is just a simple mis-direction of our attention.  What they are going to do is penalize the producers who are successful users of the rights that this nation guarantees all of us.  What does that say to me in my small estate?  Do not produce, and my question is why work hard?  For what?  To have an arbitrary governing body take from the fruits of my production to give to those who supposedly need.  What these people need is a little hunger to motivate them to prosperity.  Pain is weakness leaving the body and one must go through some pain to get strong.  Taxing the wealthy will not cure the problems it will only codify and amplify them.  We can not think for one moment that we can tax ourselves into prosperity.  We have come to the point where the government in order to prop up this house of cards is going to give welfare to major banks and corporations in order to save the economy and who is going to pay for this?  They are the wealthy so where does these funds come from?

You and I are the margins and we through our insignificant incomes and irrelevant properties will be taxed.  We are the marginal but when you take all the properties and all the insignificant incomes we make a powerful force of one body of the people.  We become one fat golden pig in which the government suckles from time to time in a calculative move to boost their control over the economy.  Say if some family where to get their marginal property tax of $3000 a year and the income tax of say $5000 a year after deduction back that would be a shot in every household in America to which this economy could get back on track.  What was the stimulus checks we received? $300.  I would rather just eliminate my personal income and property taxes to spend on production for my family.  Furthermore I would like to see these such taxes eliminated on the wealthy so they can create more wealth for themselves by employing more of us.  Lets face it government does not produce anything not one thing are they responsible for in production accept more government, regulation and oversight.  The original intent of this government was to be a treaty amongst us so called soveriegns.  That is not something a government elected official wants to hear as that would drain them of their power.

Bail outs and gevernment are not going to stop the crisis at hand, we are the ones who can stop it.  Each and every one of us individually doing our part of knowing our responsibilities to self and using our gifts and talents to benefit the world at large.  We do not need the government to enact more restrictions on us nor take from our property to give in an irresponsible manner to those who live irresponsibly.  We need our property to be free and unencumbured so that we can use it fruitflully, engage in commerce producing goods and services which will make money move here, there and everywhere.  As for the government it taxes every aspect of production and commerce so losing the income and property taxes will not drain them of revenue.  They just crossed the line into property and income as they can control the way the raise revenue in order to serve their spending purposes.  It has allowed them to grow the government not as we need but as they create it to its current self serving state it has become foriegn to the people it serves.  This whole foreclosure crisis originates with irresponsible government officials who fed on greed and irresponsibly.  Why not?  We have allowed it.  We were willing accomplices and thus we will suffer and not bailout is going to reverse the trend only slow it down, deepen the wounds. 

Hamilton, Jay and the Father of the Constitution, Madison have spoken very thoroughly on such matters through a series of documents called the Federalist Papers.  They warned against taxing directly such as property and income.  The main reason was that once the government had access to such power they would abuse it and lack in fiscal responsibility.  It is common place today on the federal level and state level to see that there is no fiscal responsibility we are running deficits year in and year out.  Crisis comes and the first words from a government official is spend out way out of it.  Conveniently pitting one class, the producers, against another.  We can not allow them to kill off the producers or we will lose our way of life and become a third world nation.  Jefferson warned of opportunists and they are every where using these crises to tax us, regulate us and confiscate our rights and property.  When will it end?

"We the people," need to start moving towards reversing the current trend of governance and take personal responsibility or we the people will cease to exist.  Each and everyone of us are becoming more foriegn to the principles by which we were intended to live by which we inherited from a few men who stood against governmental tyranny.  My carreer is real estate and to me real estate is sacred as it is the building block of freedom, economically, religiously and politically.  I believe all agents that are licensed for the sake of safe guarding the public trust need to bring to the forefront these very issues that are effecting the property for which we represent or there will be no real estate ownership for us to broker for there will be no free people as property is becoming more and more regulated by the state to where one day we will be total socialistic and property will no longer be a right but a privilege and thus people will no longer be free to produce as they see fit.  The reward incentive will be stripped and the dignity of the individual will be lost.  Not only am I in real estate as a career but I am a military veteran and my service was used to fight enemies outside our borders and I realize that it is not the enemies that are outside the borders who are a threat to my liberty and way of life, it is the enemies from within who sneak around in the darkness of night to scheme against me in a subversive and covert manner, they scheme against us using every opportunity as a crisis spreading fear among us and dividing us.  United we stand and divided we fall.  We the people.