
The Obamas New Home:"Awesome"

Real Estate Agent with Ken Doss Realty Inc.

 As I sat and watched a 60 Minutes interview with President-elect, Barack Obama and his lovely wife, first lady-elect Michelle, the discussion moved to their first visit to the White House.  Michelle said that the 130 room plus mansion is "beautiful and awe inspiring".  She went on to say, it is a gift and honor to uphold the beauty of the house.  

Well, this is a perfect example of what Realtors want to hear when showing a home; "Awesome" as a potential buyer enters the door.  However, this type of response is only garnered through the efforts of the seller; its' challenging, but can be attained.  Now granted, most sellers do not have a staff of workers like the White House, but with some early preparation, it is possible. 

Perfect Preparation

I am sure Michelle was taken aback by the architecture of the White House, but I can also imagine what she witnessed was a clean, freshly painted and tastefully decorated mansion.  As they walked through the famed rose garden, it accentuated the well-manicured lawn.  I am sure the Obamas will add their own touch, but they will be able to move-in while exerting little effort to make the mansion just the way they like it. 

As I said earlier, most of us do not have a staff of people to clean our homes on a regular basis.  Certainly, we cannot depend on the kids.  However, it is wise for the seller to consider having the house professionally cleaned, painted and updated to bring in the best offers.  I only suggest the seller painting on their own, if they are good at it.  Now is not the time to learn.  I am sure that the White House is free of clutter and this is a tip that the seller should pay close attention.  The staff probably cleans the carpet regularly, along with the marble floors.  Leaky faucets and dusty furnishings are probably nonexistent.

Perfect Listing

Realtors love it when they get this type of listing, because it greatly increases the home marketability.  In addition, buyers love it when they find "move-in ready" homes.  It is a good signal to them that the house is in good condition and the sellers are proud of their home.  However, more importantly, they will not have to move in and incur additional fix-up costs. It turns out to be a win-win situation for all parties involved.

 Create that "Awesome" Atmosphere

While the Obamas will experience first hand the awesomeness of living in the White House, sellers should make every effort to create this type atmosphere before the showing of their homes.  It may cost a little to get your home in "awesome" condition, but the benefits are many.

For the sellers, buyers , Realtors and all other parties involved, the only word that is better than "Awesome!" is "SOLD!"