
Free Subscription to "YOU Magazine", a monthly online publication

Mortgage and Lending with Primary Residential Mortgage Inc

Financial experts in the media are constantly at odds, making it difficult to determine the impact that important news and events could have on your finances. Despite this challenge, it's best to be proactive and to try to stay as informed as you possibly can.

I appreciate the trust my clients have in me and their financial goals and needs are extremely important to me. I sift through all of the hype and uncover the facts that they need to know.

What I offer my clients and what I can extend to you is a free subscription to YOU Magazine, a monthly on-line publication I think you'll really enjoy. This electronic magazine offers timely stories and streaming videos from contributing authors including some of the brightest, most successful, and nationally-recognized individuals in their respective fields.

All I need is your email address, which I promise never to share, to help me quickly communicate with you in the future. You may contact me by email at

I look forward to providing to you this helpful information and hope we may have an opportunity to do business. Remember we can lend money in 47 states.

Don't hesitate to visit my website for information about me and my business.

I wish you all well.