
It's Not Your Money?

Real Estate Agent with Realty World Florida

Neil Cavuto interviews Republican congressman Joe Knollenberg of Michigan.

After the less than stellar system set up for the original bailout, the auto industry and Detroit are asking for another bailout with taxpayer dollars to prop up the ailing industry.

My opinion of the auto bailout is that it is outrageous.  It is unacceptable and we should NOT use taxpayer funds to an industry who along with the unions promised employees wages, benefits and pensions that can't be met.

The party is over! And the workers in the auto industry ought to consider themselves lucky that for the past 3-4 decades they have been able to continue down the path of destructive policies without noticing the future devastation that would be caused and they are now living it.  It has now caught up to the companies, workers and union bosses.

The current structures and policies have failed because they aren't competitive with the other manufacturers within the same industry. The unions should have a seat at the table and should restructure their workforce pay, compensation and benefits package to save the employees which they claim to be looking out for.

The interview below causes me great pains to hear a congressman state that the funding bailout is NOT OUR MONEY. I suppose this is one of the reasons that this congressman won't be back in the next congress as he wasn't reelected.


Best regards,

Owen Zweiback PA, GRI, Realtor, e-Pro

Coldwell Banker Residential Real Estate

23421 Walden Center Drive

Bonita Springs, Florida 34134

239-269-3077 Cell    800-547-3019 Toll Free Office


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Mike Saunders
Retired - Athens, GA

Well, it certainly appears it isn't our money after all, not if it was invested somewhere, it's nobody's money.

But this guy is scary, who's money is that $700 billion? I am glad he is gone. He brought up Toyota which, along with Hyundai and other foreign cars manufactured in the U.S. are still profitable.

He does have a point with the credit problems. The bailout is supposed to free up credit, it hasn't.

Nov 20, 2008 09:05 AM
Owen Zweiback
Realty World Florida - Bonita Springs, FL

Mike:  I don't think they had anything but a pipe dream that the bailout was going to free up the credit. It was a failure from the onset and worse yet the only reason and way to get it approved was to spend even more pork on other wastes of money.

To me.. It's a disgrace.

Yes the other car manufactures are profitable. And that is the competitive lesson the Big 3 should employ.

I don't buy the Armageddon theory on this one anymore than I did on the original bailout.

Nov 20, 2008 12:33 PM
Trey Thurmond
BCR Realtors - College Station, TX
College Station , Texas Homes


I too am offended by this volatile statement. It is my money. I have no sympathy for the man.

Nov 20, 2008 02:53 PM
Owen Zweiback
Realty World Florida - Bonita Springs, FL

Trey: It was a very volatile statement. I was online doing some work at home while listening to the interview in the background.  I was appauled and lept out of my seat when he made this comment.


Nov 20, 2008 09:57 PM
Ted Baker
Carmody and Associates LLC - Winter Haven, FL

I also heard parts of the Cavuto piece.  Unfortunately the change that just got voted into office is not the change we really need.  But the public has bought into the concept that if one side is wrong, the other side must be right.  They do not see the third option - that both sides may be wrong. 

The American business model had evolved from dialing for dollars to begging for billions. 

Now that is inflation.

Nov 21, 2008 02:15 AM
Vincent Tedeschi
Weichert,Realtors - Long Valley, NJ

I generally don't watch faux news,but the clip is interesting.The problems that face the whole country will require working together. The shortsightedness of CEOS and "leaders" both in the public and private sector is the root. Everyone wants to do the easy things and ignore the real problem. We need to transform the way we think. The companies should be saved with strict guidelines, all corporate welfare should have strings attached. Why not adopt the model that the highest paid in any company earns 10x the lowest paid? Maybe we should join the industrialized world and create single payer health care for American citizens. This alleviates the high cost to companies so they can do what they know how to do. It is complex but it is time to do what is best for the future not next week or election cycle.  

Nov 21, 2008 02:17 AM
Owen Zweiback
Realty World Florida - Bonita Springs, FL

Ted: Well stated. 

Nov 21, 2008 04:52 AM
Owen Zweiback
Realty World Florida - Bonita Springs, FL

Vincent: Much of what we need is complex, yes.  But I certainly don't agree with your model

The most complex structural change that would highlight an economic recovery would be complete transformation of the federal tax code from the income based system to a consumption based system ie.. The Fair Tax.

Nov 21, 2008 05:00 AM
Ted Baker
Carmody and Associates LLC - Winter Haven, FL

Owen - I didn't even comment on the "It's not your money" remark because my blood pressure pegs the meter every time I think of it. 

Congress (and yes the Democrats have been in control for two years) has the lowest approval ratings since the invention of opinion polls.  Part of the reason is the "Its not your money" attitude displayed by public officials.  But I can shout 'til the moon turns blue with cold to vote ALL of the politicians of both parties out and start over - that may be the change we need. 

But no.  Everybody thinks the other Congressmen and Senators are bad but our guy (or gal) is ok.  So 95% or more of incumbents come back to Congress in most election cycles.  And on top of it, we choose a liberal Senator from that same Congress for the White House whose administration looks the same as the last Clinton Administration and would have looked the same had there been a next Clinton Administration.  Yeah! That is change I can believe in.

Now I know that there is a practice of going back to previous administrations when the President-Elect's party was in power to get experienced people who know how Washington works.  But this guy ran on a promise that Washington didn't work at all and to not run Washington the way it had been run.  These guys know where the light switches are in the White House alright - most still have their locker and men's room keys.  I know we are trying to unite the country, but if the public had wanted Clinton III - they had a chance to vote for it.

I know, I know - the election is over. I do wish President-Elect Obama well and hope he has all the luck in the world - he is going to need it.  But the news coverage from the fawning press is not doing him any favors.  By January, he will come into office with such high expectations that his own press coverage will be a hard act for him to follow. 

And by the way, it is our money.


Nov 21, 2008 06:13 AM
Rob Arnold
Sand Dollar Realty Group, Inc. - Altamonte Springs, FL
Metro Orlando Full Service - Investor Friendly & F

It just shows how out of touch Washington is with the rest of the country.  This Congressman is an embarassment to all Americans.

Nov 21, 2008 11:26 AM
Owen Zweiback
Realty World Florida - Bonita Springs, FL

Ted:  Again. I couldn't agree more. I've been saying this about the congress folks forever.  Everybody dislikes the other guy/gal. 

I, too wish President-Elect Obama well.  If  he fails.. we all fail and that's not a good option. I still believe that it is in "our" best interest to not pick on each and every thing that he does which we disagree with but spend the time coalessing around our own platform with alternative SOLUTIONS to America's challenges.

I very much believe that there is a conservative solution to each and every policy but we have failed to properly present and speak in plain terms what those solutions are to each policy.

I'm ready for a regrouping. Let's get to work

Nov 23, 2008 12:42 AM
Owen Zweiback
Realty World Florida - Bonita Springs, FL

Rob: He is a disgrace to all Americans is correct!

I believe this attitude had lots to do with his failed reelection bid.

Nov 23, 2008 12:45 AM