I wrote a really cool article about depreciation (a
huge deduction for RE investors), and it was
published in November 2008's issue of INVEST MAGAZINE.
There is some great information for you and your clients, so be sure to check it out by clicking the link or reading below.
Death, Taxes, and Depreciation…
The Three Certainties in Life...
A wise man once told the world that there are only two certainties in
life – death and taxes. It doesn’t take a genius to
figure that one out (sorry Benjamin Franklin).
Some people will unknowingly travel a great distance to
elude one or the other. One of those individuals is
my friend Bob.
Bob's almost retired, and because Bob is a “small”
real estate investor, he tries to save money
whenever he can. That’s why Bob mows the lawns,
manages the properties, and balances the books by
himself. |
An even wiser man told me a few years ago that there are three certainties
that I should know about – death, taxes, and the regret
that I would live with for the rest of my life if I
didn’t maximize depreciation on my rental properties…
I thought I
would regret the 25% depreciation recapture tax if I ever decided to
sell my rentals. That’s because Bob told me “all that depreciation
stuff is a waste of time. You have to recapture the deductions at 25
percent anyway…”
Being a new investor back then, I wasn’t exactly sure what
Bob was talking about, so I went and talked to my tax advisor.
He explained to me that when I purchase an income producing asset,
like an investment property for my rental business – I don’t get
to immediately write off the acquisition cost of the asset.
Instead, the cost of my asset must be recovered over the useful
life of the asset. This is called depreciation, and the IRS has
ruled that residential rental property is depreciable over 27.5 years.
Depreciation is a phantom paper expense that reduces your taxable profit. |
I bought a single family home
for $165k, and it generated $12k from rent that year. I
had $8k of expense deductions, so it appears I should
have claimed $4k in rental income and paid taxes on it.
However, this rental property gave me a depreciation
deduction of $6k ($165k/27.5 years), which allowed me to
claim a $2k rental loss that I could take against my
regular income. At a 28% federal tax rate, the
additional depreciation deduction was allowing me to pay
$1,680 less in taxes (28% * $6k less income).
Eventually, I came to realize the benefit that
depreciation was providing me – it was allowing me to
owe less in taxes, even when I was making more profit. |
Soon enough, I learned about separating my
assets and segmenting my deductions, and it was saving
me thousands of dollars more. People normally depreciate
their properties using a straight-line deduction over
27.5 years. However, residential properties have
shorter-life assets – like a refrigerator or a fence –
that can be separated and depreciated sooner over 5 or
15 years. I identify these assets and depreciate them
separately so I can take the deductions sooner. With the
accelerated, higher deductions, I can reduce my tax
liability and save thousands of dollars. |
Using straight-line
depreciation on a $275k property can yield a $10k yearly
depreciation deduction, so $50k can be deducted over
five years. However, the property might have $50k in 5
year assets (carpets, appliances, drapes, etc…) and $25k
in 15 year assets (driveway, fence, patio, etc…).
Depreciating these assets separately according to IRS
class lives allows nearly $100k to be deducted over the
first five years – almost twice the deduction from
straight-line. |
Three years later, I wish I could travel
back in time to let Bob know that I disagree with him.
Back then, I vaguely understood that the accumulated
depreciation deductions would get recaptured and taxed
at a rate of 25% upon the sale. This was Bob’s main
concern, and he was worried about owing back a lot of
money on the depreciation deductions he would have
taken, if he ever sold his rental property.
The reality is that the IRS wants us to take
timely depreciation deductions – that’s why they created
the rule. They even know some of us want to separate
assets and segment deductions according to useful class
lives – that’s why they ruled on depreciable lives for
common assets found in properties. If we ever sell our
rental properties, the IRS will recapture the
depreciation that we should have deducted – even if
we never took any depreciation deductions! The
important thing to learn here is that the IRS says we
have to depreciate, and if we don’t, we lose the tax
benefit – so we might as well follow the rules and use
them to our advantage by maximizing depreciation
deductions, right? |
With straight-line depreciation, we get the
same deduction every year – meaning our depreciation
deduction in year 3 is the same as the depreciation
deduction in year 23. Accelerating deductions simply
means we deduct more now instead of later. Having a
larger deduction now means we also have a smaller tax
bill now – so why don’t people do it?
Generally speaking,
there are two main reasons why investors might use
straight-line depreciation. One is passive-activity
limitations. Taxpayers with an AGI above $150k cannot
deduct any rental losses against their wage income – the
loss must be carried forward until it can be offset with
future rental income. Therefore, a high income taxpayer
who already has a rental loss carryover receives no
benefit from the larger deductions. Their rental losses
must be offset with future rental income. A real estate
investor can avoid this limitation by materially
participating in the rental activity and becoming a
“real estate professional.” Fear of depreciation
recapture is another reason. When an investor sells
their rental property, they will have to recapture
depreciation deductions at a rate of 25% - so they would
rather not accelerate the portion that might be
recaptured. |
Time Value of Money
Everyone has heard the phrase “a dollar today is worth more than a
dollar ten years from now.” So if a dollar paid today is
worth more than a dollar paid in the future, why choose
to give up the dollar now? The longer you delay paying
taxes, the more money you can invest wisely and keep in
your pockets. And of course you can avoid the recapture
altogether and defer your taxes indefinitely using a
1031 exchange.
According to IRS data, Bob and 78% of all taxpayers in
America don’t segment their assets to maximize
deductions. Many do not know about the opportunity, some
may think it’s too complicated, and others do not see
the benefit.
I think investors should educate themselves on accelerated
depreciation, and understand the opportunities that are
available to them. A Cost Segregation guide is available
on the IRS website. You should discuss the pros and cons
with your tax advisor, and make an informed decision. I
know now that the wise man was speaking the truth to me,
and I certainly regret missing out on my own
depreciation deductions.