
Calling Plaistow, NH condo owners...

Real Estate Agent with Prudential Verani Realty

Have you thought about listing your home but are putting it off after the holidays or until the market rebounds?  I don not have a crystal ball to see into the future but I do have something else that is precious in this real estate market...

I have a buyer looking to purchase a garden style condo in Plaistow, NH.  He wants a 3rd floor unit and there are currently none available.  Interested in selling?  I'd love to help.

Call me today and we can talk about it!  No nonsense, no smoke.  I will tell you what you're place is worth and help you sell it!!  Don't believe everything you hear on the news...there are buyers out there looking and your house may fit the bill.

Amie Varney

Prudential Verani Realty

PO Box 354

Epping, NH 03042

603-679-5654 x3920 Direct Line

603-490-8799 Cell