If you were the asset manager for the Lawrence MA bank owned multi family I showed today that is what you would be saying.
I entered and mentioned to my client, "Oh they tore into the ceiling they must have had a leak." We, then moved on to the bathroom and saw the wall of the tub plumbing entirely ripped out. We then looked at each-other and laughed. Some crack head had ripped out ever piece of copper in the house. Now, this required some serious demolition work. Not sure why the crack head would not just get a demolition job ??? You could pull down enough money to buy some crack doing that. Same effort, just legit work. God forbid legit work for a crack head. I will be honest, there could be $1000 worth of copper in the walls you couldn't pay me $1000 just for labor to put this kind of effort in retrieve ing the copper.
I have never seen this. I do show multi families in sometimes tough areas but never seen that. There are so many ways to measure the economy, strength of the dollar, inflation, exports, imports, stock market data, housing prices, interest rates ect ect but honestly how about the "copper stolen out of walls for crack index???"