I've been getting tons of amazing and extremely helpful information from tons of you guys out there and would really like to thank everyone for their help. Heck you guys are getting 25 points for comments anywaz...hehe So I'm guessing you're not to worried. For more posts related to real estate seo like this and from this author check out some of the following links. -> Overland Park or just http://www.jordanmackey.com/ Hope this helps you guys out as much as it did me. If there are anymore suggestion or ideas please feel free to pick up your easy 25 free points and let us all know.
Research on the Active Rain points I've gotten so far.
Activate Account - 100pts
View Points Summary 1st Time - 50pts Bonus
Picture - ??pts
Phone Numbers - ??pts
Description - 200pts
- (The Following Suggested and I thank Patricia Casey)
Adding the high point value link on my website 600pts (For SEO purposes I suggest adding the very top link code, its 400 points yes but it actually helps you in return not just active rain.com)
Posting my own message in a forum - 200pts
Responding to other posts in forums - 20pts each up to 10 per day
I think I have about 1100 points on my profile, added photo (200 points), changed my headers, as much content as I could on the page
I had a technichal problem that I requested help on and got 100pts.
- (The Following Suggested and I thank Maureen Bray ~ Room Solutions Staging)
Check out this info from A/R "FAQs" http://activerain.com/action/default/scoring_faq
It explains the points scoring -- and hey, thanks for 25 more!!
- ~~~One Of the best~~~
- (The Following Suggested and I thank Tom Horner)
I went to localisim and posted photos of the different areas that we serve. You get 100 points for 1st photo and 50 for each additional up to 10. I not sure on profile