Have you ever ask yourself what your customers think about you? Have you ever ask yourself what you wanted your customers to think about you?
I know I've always wanted them to like me and believe that I was doing a good job for them. I want them to believe that I was the best choice. I want them to refer all their friends and family to me. I want them
to tell everybody they know about me. I want. I want. I want!!!
If you were to ask someone what they wanted in life, I bet you would hear things like; I want a bigger house, I want to win the lottery, I want to be happy. I want a fancy car and than probably followed with a statement like " Boy, wouldn't that be nice"
Everybody wants and do you know why? There is no commitment in wanting. No deadline. No harm in wanting something. No let down. No disappointment. No big deal if it does not happen.
Necessity on the other hand is something you can't live without. The need to get something done is the true secret of success in my book.
I need to make sure my customers like me. I need my customers to believe that I was doing a good job for them. I need them to believe that I was the best choice. I need them to refer all their friends and family to me. I need them to tell everybody they know about me. I need. I need. I need.
Did you notice that when we substitute need for want the statements seem to be a little harder to achieve?
You bet they are!!! When you need something, you have to have it, you can't live without it. It requires
effort and commitment and a ton of hard work to achieve it. That's why most people just want.
So now I ask you; "What do you need your customers to think about you?"