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OnTarget Marketing Coach - Newsletter  1.   Know your values. Live each day giving them your fullest attention. Examples of values are respect, family, leadership, teaching and service. OnTarget Marketing Coach - Newsletter  2.   Ask the tough question: "Who have I hurt along the way in my life?" Find them now and ask for forgiveness, even if they are in the wrong. OnTarget Marketing Coach - Newsletter  3.   Ask yourself the tougher question: "If I die tomorrow, what will I regret doing?" Stop whatever it may be, now! OnTarget Marketing Coach - Newsletter  4.   Ask yourself the toughest question: "If I die tomorrow, what will I regret not doing?" Start doing it, now! OnTarget Marketing Coach - Newsletter  5.   Learn to see the big picture. Remember the phrase, You can't see the forest for the trees. If you begin to look at the trees, the forest will become clearer. OnTarget Marketing Coach - Newsletter  6.   Examine your life for the amount of emotional baggage you carry. If you could weigh it, how much would it weigh? Unburden yourself from that load. OnTarget Marketing Coach - Newsletter  7.   Transform your regrets. By viewing past mistakes as a learning experience, you can eliminate guilt and reap the rewards of a hard-earned education.