
Thankful? I Hope So!

Real Estate Agent with Your Castle Real Estate, Inc!

It sure would be easy to be upset. the media is spewing all sorts of things about the economy. we hear the constant strains of recession, depression, inflation, etc. We see this and another public servant exposed for extra- something dealings that get them into trouble. All around us there seems to be a lot to despair of, doesn't there?

I am thankful for the times we live in. Why?

I am healthy, and don't look my true age.
My wife and I have been faithful partners in our marriage, since before we were married.
I have had a best friend who holds me accountable, and who knows my darkets secrets and fears, and holds neither against me. My wife has been a contant and beutiful reminder of all of the blessings life has to offer.My children have no real hang-ups, pin-ups, or abuse issues, from intrenal or external sources. they are well-rounded peole, well-grounded persons, who are self-confident, and are not swayed by the whims of those around them.
My wife is teachnig young minds, doing what she is passionate about, and making a difference in those lives fro the better.
I am pursuing the things I am passionate abbout, and love what I do in real estate.
I have many good freinds, and more acquiantances and am always meeting new and intresting people.
I have freedom to pursue my dreams.
I am able to make a difference in lives, wherever I go.
We never miss a meal, no matter how bare the cupboard looks. Somehow a decent meal bursts forth, no matter how bereft of ingredients things first seem.
We have decent clothing, clean and attractive, no matter whether their age.
I have a good education, and so does my family.

Best of all, no matter what happens to the Dow, or S&P 500, the birds still sing, and that silly squirrell outside my window dances around entertaining me, and giving rise to creative thoughts. No matter how bad the media says things are, i constantly see people finding ways to help each other. Daily i find people doing some amazingly unheralded things. Wall street panics, but the seasons do not stop changing, and the trees in my yard still grow and then shed (lots of) leaves. We are getting deliciously sweet grapes from our vines, planted after we built this house. We have been privilieged to watch many families come and go in the neighborhood, and are one of the few families who are original homeowners here.

It's all about your perspective. This isn't some naiive feel-good kind of sensation that passes like when your foot falls asleep. I am truly thankful for these things. I am thankful to be able to solve simple and complex problems in real estate for people. I am grateful for the opportunities i have to serve and the new ways i will find to do so.

What are you truly thankful for?


"That Realtor GuyIn Shorts!"