
On Display – Home seller’s Tips for Art Displays

Real Estate Agent with Cypress GMAC Real Estate

Many times before putting your home on the market, your real estate agent may suggest a little sprucing up of your home.  Sometimes all you need may be a little art on your walls.  It is an inexpensive way to make your home stand out from the crowd.  Please do remember not to go overboard with art that is too taste specific and keep it neutral and simple.  Don't get nailed with extra holes in your walls and poorly arranged pictures. Consider these tips before hanging artwork.

Arrangement is key

•·       If you have several smaller items or a large wall on which to showcase your artwork, an arrangement may work best.

•·       Artwork can be grouped by color, subject matter or by matching frames or mats. Consider varying the sizes and shapes of items to add interest to an arrangement.

Keep it orderly

•·       To keep a grouping from looking disorderly, create a geometric shape with the outer edges and plan for at least one or two straight lines to run through the arrangement.

•·       You can achieve cohesiveness by hanging items relatively close together so they seem like a unit. Make sure one item doesn't overshadow the others.

•·       Items arranged in a V or inverted V shape lead the eye in a smooth fashion.

Location, location, location

•·       Pictures should be at either standing eye level or seated eye level depending on the room. Place pictures where they won't be obscured by the head of a sitting person.

•·       It's also best to mount items no more than one foot above furnishings. If you need to hang a picture higher, fill the gap with a vase or other decoration.

Put in on paper

•·       Don't start hammering until you have a plan. First trace around the frame on a piece of paper, mark where the hook is and cut out the form. Place the paper on the wall and when it's where you want - nail it!

For more home selling and decorating ideas, contact Linda Garza at Cypress GMAC Real Estate (509) 205-0859  Specializing in Tri-Cities Washington Real Estate! Real Estate Services for Kennewick, Richland and Pasco Real Estate!  Putting your family first is my #1 priority! You can also search for properties on my website