So the home buyer's seminar was a success. Coffee, dessert, and information. That's what we offered. A discussion on how to, and why you should, buy a home in this market. Plus a very entertaining discussion on where the financial market is, where it should be, and where it's going.
The nice thing is that, for my $100 investment, I took two applications tonight. All the information for a file, plus two signed consent forms. Actual clients.
In this market, clients aren't going to come to you without something to offer. I'm still a new broker, so I can't offer years of experience. I can't rely on my immense database of past clients, as my database is still growing to that point.
I can however offer coffee, dessert, and witty conversation.
The thing that surprised me is that two other realtors showed up with their own clients. It seemed odd to me at first, and I think the realtor who was putting on the seminar with me was a bit put off, but after realiziing that those clients just might end up buying his listings, he was pretty happy. Sometimes it might pay off to put the competition aside to stimulate the market for everyone.
The deals aren't just going to roll themselves through your door in this market, you have to go get them.
Lets get out there!