
I got me two clients!!

Mortgage and Lending with Rob Laluk - The Mortgage Centre - Elder Mortgage

So the home buyer's seminar was a success.  Coffee, dessert, and information.  That's what we offered.  A discussion on how to, and why you should, buy a home in this market.  Plus a very entertaining discussion on where the financial market is, where it should be, and where it's going.

The nice thing is that, for my $100 investment, I took two applications tonight.  All the information for a file, plus two signed consent forms.  Actual clients.

In this market, clients aren't going to come to you without something to offer.  I'm still a new broker, so I can't offer years of experience.  I can't rely on my immense database of past clients, as my database is still growing to that point.

I can however offer coffee, dessert, and witty conversation.

The thing that surprised me is that two other realtors showed up with their own clients.  It seemed odd to me at first, and I think the realtor who was putting on the seminar with me was a bit put off, but after realiziing that those clients just might end up buying his listings, he was pretty happy.  Sometimes it might pay off to put the competition aside to stimulate the market for everyone.

The deals aren't just going to roll themselves through your door in this market, you have to go get them.

Lets get out there!

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Larry Story ALC
Total Care Realty - Greensboro, NC
Beneath it all is the Land, Covering all of NC

Rob yes I would have been a little put off also.  The agent was probably trolling for business themselves.

Nov 25, 2008 04:10 PM
Rob Laluk
Rob Laluk - The Mortgage Centre - Elder Mortgage - Maple Ridge, BC

Hey Larry,

I really don't think they were trolling.  They sat with the clients that they had brought with them, drank a coffee, had a piece of cake, answered some questions that were posed by the presenters and generally had a good time.  They guarded their clients, and kind of strayed off to the side after the presentation was done.

I honestly feel that they brought their clients to stimulate their personal deals, and maybe to show them that not everyone is scared, there are other buyers out there, and possibly back up what they've been telling their clients all along.


Nov 25, 2008 04:14 PM
Peter Baumbach
Search Homes for Sale in Maryland at - Owings Mills, MD

How did you advertise your seminar? I have never tried one myself, but I have heard of empty seminars.

My lender even offered to host a seminar if we can find the clients to attend.

Nov 25, 2008 04:14 PM
Rob Laluk
Rob Laluk - The Mortgage Centre - Elder Mortgage - Maple Ridge, BC

We took out a quarter page ad in the real estate section of the local paper, had invitations printed up and took them to any shops where we knew workers or owners, put them up on bulletin boards or left them on sales counters.

I used to manage a bike shop and the owner had the employees put them in every bag that went out the door.

I even (don't laugh) advertised on Facebook.  I placed an event advertisement and invited everyone in my "friends" list.  One of the applications came through facebook though.

Any advertising is good, and I went back to grass roots.  I did have my reservations about spending a ton on newspaper advertising and running an actual ad campaign costing money with my insecurity about guaranteed return.  The whole night cost $200 and, split between the realtor and I, will be paid off if even one deal comes out of the night.

Nov 25, 2008 04:20 PM
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Nov 26, 2008 02:11 AM
Olena Osipov
Maple Ridge, BC

Great job, Rob! You're on the right track! Where did you hold your seminar?

Dec 05, 2008 10:12 AM
Rob Laluk
Rob Laluk - The Mortgage Centre - Elder Mortgage - Maple Ridge, BC

The seminar was held at a little local restaurant the has a sort of back room away from the majority of the clientelle.  Home Restaurant for those locals.  Having it at a restaurant where there is a waitress coming around put the attendees at ease I think.  We were thinking about hosting it at a hotel with a conference room, but were really happy with the choice in the end.

Being a restaurant, it was pretty cheap compared to the hotels as well.  $50 included all drinks (non-alcoholic), and they brought out a platter of desert squares for an additional $20.

I think the next seminar I would want to be involved in would maybe be an investment seminar.  The time is fairly ripe for those people interested in purchasing a rental home, but they may need to have some fears alleviated before jumping in with both feet.  Something to think about in the near future.

Jan 07, 2009 04:55 AM