Hooray for the Punch List!
We like Punch Lists, and you will to. It's the final step toward moving into your new home. It also gives you a sense of security knowing that you can walk through your home and make sure all is right. Whether you are purchasing one of our already completed homes (spec) or in the last stages of completing a new build, you get a punch list before final closing.
So, what is a punch list? A punch list is a list created at the end of construction that shows what needs to still be done or what needs to be repaired on the new construction. The home buyer and the contractor create this list.
We very rarely miss contractual items that need to be done (ie, a ceiling fan instead of that flourescent light you didn't like). However, inevitably there will be some damage done during contruction. We have a lot of different people working on the house with hammers, paint sprayers, or dirty shoes. You get the picture.
About a week or so before closing, we will do a preliminary walk-through with you. This is a time for you to put aside your excitement, and carefully observe your home. If you have a real estate agent, they should come with you as they are less emotionally attached and can help identify flaws. One of our representatives will also walk through with you.
We go room to room, review contractual items to make sure they have been completed, and look for other items that need to be fixed. You must be thorough on this examination. Imagine all the components that go into constructing a home! Some examples of punch list items are: over spray of paint, thin paint spots, doors that need adjusting or weatherstripping, windows that don't open easily, or anything cracked, dinged, or broken. It's kind of fun doing the walk through on the house, the building super gives you a roll of blue tape and you get to go through the house taping things you want corrected. After this is completed, and all the corrections written down on a form, you and the building super sign the document and it becomes a binding contract. Here is a sample punch list .
Either the day before closing, or on the day of closing you do a final walk-through. This is to ensure that everything on the list was completed. We have a painter on site to walk through with you just in case we missed a paint spot, or a new one is noticed. Once you see that everything has been completed, and you are happy with the final product, you sign the final walk-through and all that's left is to close on your house.
Whitworth Builders has it's own warranty department. If you move in and find something you wish you had put on the punch list, OR something new pops up, you have a year to send those repair items to us and we will send someone out to make it right.
For more information about new construction in Navarre, FL, please contact Bethany Little at (850) 939-8018, or visit my website at www.thinkbeth.com.