I've been bad! Last blog entry was in July! Now it is almost December! I read my last entry and feel that now more than ever, we all need to get with the Dave Ramsey program, or something similar.
I've been lucky! Lucky to be able to keep living off of one income, while I worked too -and pay off so much debt it is kinda rediculous. Best decision my husband and I have ever made!
I've been stupid! in the past. Spending, w/ credit cards, and not thinking about the long term effects it will have on my family. Not stupid any longer. My gifts are now more meaningful, and much less expensive.. we eat in 6 nights a week, and life is good!
I'm not afraid to open my mail box! My heart doesn't stop when I see a bill come in the mail.. because there is only one bill that comes, that isn't a utility, and I always know what is on it! Amazing feeling!
Get with it kids - and like Dave says "Cash is king, and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the BMW as the status symbol of choice"! Listen to him on the am radio (yes, it still exists), or watch him on Fox Business Channel every weeknight. His book The Total Money Makeover is awesome!
Any good stories that you have on how to save money? Please share!