"Joot" is a phone-in transcription service that had simplified many's people life. Here is how it works
You simply call a toll free - number (866) JOTT-123, and leave voice-mail reminders for yourself. You set up free basic acoount at Jott.com by providing your cell number and e-mail address. When you want to jot yourself a reminder, you call the toll-free number and leave a voice message tht's transcribed and inmediately sent to your e-mail address ortext-messaged to your cell phone.
You can use the service as a recorder quick reminder using the service as a personal assistant, you have 15 seconds to record a message. Five minutes later, the typed message appears in your inbox, or if you'd like in your cell phone. You can upgrade to the Joot Pro for $ 3.95 a month for more features such as Jott for Microsoft Outlook.
The enhanced Customer Service Plan can Jott a voice mail to anyone in your address book. Saying that you are late for your next appointment without calling your client and getting involved in a long discussion, you simply have Jott text message your estimated time of arrival. It's easier and faster to hit the speed dial and leave a voice message for some not-very techy or text-message friendly.
You can track messages, track expenses and store ideas between many other features.
Another free service is MessageShuttle.com. MessageShuttle offers free phone-to-email messaging. Simply set up a free account and dial the access number to record messages. All recorded messages will be emailed directly to you in compact .wav file format. MessageShuttle is perfect for recording conference calls, personal notes, dictation or any type of telephone conversation. Say Good bye to sticky post notes. Simplify your daily tasks using any of these phone in transcription services.