
Wintotal for free for DayOne/United users

Real Estate Appraiser with Carroll Appraisal Services

I just received notice today that alamode is offering a promotion to anyone who formally had Day One, like myself. As you may or may not know DayOne had it's assets sold off by Zaio (It's parent company) when they went Bankrupt. A pretty sad situation. DayOne was a successful software company for over 20 years, however the company was bought by Zaio and as I said when they went belly up they took DayOne with them.

For all you appraiser's out there I have been a fan of alamode for quite some time, I started using there Xsite (A conversion program for AMC's (Appraisal management companies ) and was also using there Excellerate program for marketing. The marketing program is great for emailing and snail mailing people in you database. I just got there appraisal software and with everything else there is a small learning curve, but what a great product. There customer service is second to none. There is no paying for map's or census info either.

For all you mortgage originator's and real estate agents, alamode has marketing and databases along with other software that can be just as helpful to you. They also work with lender's and other professional to help get new business.

As I have said before I don't get paid for my endorsement I feel if you really believe in a product then help others experience the benefits of that product as well.

As for today marketing tip; get a good website, that's were the business is. If need be have someone who can help improve your rating and activity on your website. I am working with someone who is doing that for me now. He work's quite abit with the alamode websites. You can find him at and feel free to check out .

A final marketing note as suggested by my website guy and I am also a believer as well. Get a logo to ad to that website and everything else. Super important. People recognize logo's more that names. I used it or not I paid $50 for my logo. It's all done by email and you can have your logo in about a week with as many revisions as you need.

I wish all of you good luck and a positive mental attitude. Yes even in these challenging times.

The Appraiser