Why don't the Big 3 car companies ask for a bail out from the oil companies? They will both benefit. The car companies will continue to make gas guzzlers and the oil companies will have lots of clients.
Why not take the next stimulus package and instead of giving the money to banks, insurance companies and other places that would not make a bit of difference, give every tax payer that filed taxes in '07 a $25,000.00 check. This would cost far less than the new 500 billion that Congress is proposing again. We will be able to infuse this money back into the economy by buying all kinds of things like homes, cars, TVs, all kinds of consumer goods and this would really stimulate the economy. As for those that will save the money, it will be good for the banks as well. They will be increasing their reserves and will have money to lend. I see this as a much better and fairer way to get this economy of the ground as opposed to what is happening to the first stimulus package that the banks and insurance companies got and it did absolutely nothing to the average Joe.
Anyway, it's just a though. If we had more money, we would spend it far wiser than the government has done so far.