To find out if a property is in foreclosure, you'll need to know the parcel number.
If you don't know the parcel number start at the following link.
Link 1 - Get the parcel number
Copy the parcel number, then go to the following link.
Link 2 - Check for recorded notices
Enter the parcel number, remove the dashes, then click "detailed data"
Look at the document type.
"Notice of default" or "Breach" indicates the foreclosure process has begun. Unless the default is cured, a "notice of trustee sale" will most likely be filed in about 3 months.
"Notice of Trustee Sale" will usually result in a foreclosure sale within a few weeks. Call the recorders office at (702) 455-4336 to find out the exact date of sale.
At any point before or during the foreclosure, contact me to discuss your options including selling your home, even if you owe more than the home is currently worth. It is possible to negotiate a "short sale" with your bank, avoid foreclosure, and sometimes even allow you to stay in your home longer by postponing the foreclosure date.