Everyone wants to know in this area, "Are we at the Bottom yet?". I feel we're fairly close. What I see happening in our area is there will be a lot of listings expire, which means less inventory. Interest rates are coming down again and for Buyers this is fantastic! For Sellers I think it will be a great time to come on Market in the beginning of Jan, Feb and early March. For Buyers, there is still an opportunity to take advantage of the lower prices than last year. I know I am gearing up for a strong start to the year! So, our team has been using this last month here for getting our next year's business plan together and figuring out where all our business came from in 2008. This is great way to determine where to put your marketing dollars! We have then taken that info and placed into an Excel Graph. I put mine above the desk so I can have that reminder of where the sales are from. Hope you have time to get your plan together for a great 2009!