The hardest part about the Home Inspection business is talking. I mean, talking up our business. I'd almost, (maybe not almost, but close), rather go to the Dentist than speak to Realtors at their morning meetings. Ginnie makes me but on my "Sunday go to Home Inspections clothes". I don't see that I look much better either way but, I guess, Ginnie thinks I need all that help I can get.
I think, on my next meeting, I'm gonna talk about my truck. They ought to hire me just for my truck. Boy!, do I have a fine truck! "That's a good idea, Jerome!" A "GREAT" way to get a sale is to park my truck in front of your clients "House To Be" and expect the sale. While I am there, I might as well do a Home Inspection and make it worthwhile.
Just thinkin,
Jerome Cartier
Cartier Fine Home Inspections, LLC (251-490-3212)