
I'd rather work than talk?

Home Inspector with Cartier Fine Home Inspections, LLC

The hardest part about the Home Inspection business is talking. I mean, talking up our business. I'd almost, (maybe not almost, but close), rather go to the Dentist than speak to Realtors at their morning meetings. Ginnie makes me but on my "Sunday go to Home Inspections clothes". I don't see that I look much better either way but, I guess, Ginnie thinks I need all that help I can get.

I think, on my next meeting, I'm gonna talk about my truck.  They ought to hire me just for my truck. Boy!, do I have a fine truck! "That's a good idea, Jerome!"  A "GREAT" way to get a sale is to park my truck in front of your clients "House To Be" and expect the sale. While I am there, I might as well do a Home Inspection and make it worthwhile.

Just thinkin,

Jerome Cartier

Cartier Fine Home Inspections, LLC   (251-490-3212)

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KJHGF - Arviat, YN

I dislike public speaking as well but it's a necessary evil. It's easier when your listeners are receptive. The old saying that birds of a feather flock together must hold true in many ways. I've noticed some real estate offices have a different tone or feel than others. I have some offices where they are nice receptive want to chat with me and others where I'm looked at like I'm a intruder and I feel a definite chill. I'm not sure who sets the tone for an office but I find that if an office is like this I write them off and concentrate on the office that is friendlier. It has worked for me. I have many offices in my service range so I don't need to get work from every office. An office that treats me in a less than professional manor won't get any referrals from me to family or friends.

Apr 27, 2007 03:25 AM