
What a difference 6 months makes

Real Estate Agent with Treanor Real Estate

Sign taken by Jim Treanor

This recent picture is a sign that is outside a gas station that closed about 2 or 3 years ago near my house.  About 6 months ago, when gas prices were $4.30, we would drive by this station and think about how nice it would be to pull in and fill up for the price on the sign.  Now 6 months later, no one would even go to this station because those prices are too high.  I don't think anyone could have predicted prices coming down this low, but it would be nice to see it get below a $1.00 a gallon.

Posted by

Jim Treanor Jr.  REALTOR®, Broker Associate, ABR, CDPE, CRS, e-PRO, GRI
Treanor Real Estate

Waterbury/Wolcott, CT Area
203-510-5460 (texting available)

Hartford/New Britain, CT Area
efax - 860-736-2022


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Valerie Osterhoudt
Johnson Real Estate, Inc. - Cromwell, CT
ABR, Cromwell, CT Real Estate ~ 860.883.8889

Jim.. I'm not going to be greedy... I'm happy if the gas prices stay where they are.. AND NOT GO UP.  I think all of us could get used to it.. and therefore spend more money elsewhere to help the economy.

How does this sound?

valerie osterhoudtvalerie osterhoudt

Dec 13, 2008 10:40 AM