
Cashier's Checks vs. Official Checks in Arizona

Real Estate Agent with High Profile Realty

When it comes to closing escrow, we all want to ensure that all loose ends are wrapped up and that things run smoothly.  There has been some confusion with regards to banks issuing Official Checks instead of Cashier's Checks.  Banks have been telling customers that they are one in the same and they are not.


.  Cash (Special requirements may need to be met if necessary to accept cash)

.  Electronic Transfer


.  Official Checks (Must be in state drawn on FDIC Insured Institution

.  Cashier's, Certified and Teller's Checks

.  US Treasury Checks

.  Postal Money orders (other money orders see below)

.  Federal Reserve, Federal Credit Union &

.  Federal Home Loan Bank Checks

- State and Local Government Checks - Must be In-State


.  Other Checks - Personal/Corporate/Credit Union/Money

.  Market/Travelers Checks - Must be local (See below)


.  Official Checks - Out of state &/or Not drawn on an FDIC Insured Institution

.  Money Orders (Except Postal Money Orders - see above)

.  State & Local Government Checks - Non Local

.  Other Checks - Personal/corporate/Credit Union/Money

.  Market/Travelers Checks - Non Local/Other

NOTE - Because of the length of time it takes to receive notice from the banks on NSF and returned items, regardless of the information shown here, if a personal check was deposited and 10 days have not elapsed since the funds ere deposited, telephone verification from the customer's bank that the check has been paid is required.


CASHIER'S CHECKS are the preferred type of check accepted for closing funds to close "next day".

An Official Check drawn from an out-of-state bank cannot be accepted as "Good Funds" for "next day" closings per Arizona law and if issued, could delay the close of your escrow.

If your bank cannot issue a cashier's check, please call the escrow office for wiring instructions.

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Terry Miller
Miller Homes Group - Tyler, TX
Miller Homes Group and Tyler Apartment Locator

Great information and an even better public service. Thank you.

Feb 02, 2009 04:30 AM