According to the US Department of Energy's Energy Savers Blog, you don't have to let your energy-saving efforts fall by the wayside amid all of the holiday festivities. Its tips below will help you save energy and money even as you celebrate:
Use LED Holiday Lights - LED holiday lights are much more efficient than traditional incandescent lights. LED light strings also last longer and are safer to use than traditional incandescent light strings.
Entertain Efficiently - Check out these tips from another post in September on energy-efficient cooking for great ways to save in the kitchen. And when your guests arrive, be sure to turn down the thermostat-the combination of the stove, the hot food, and the warm bodies should keep the house plenty comfortable.
Purchase Energy-Efficient Gifts - Whether your goal is to help the recipient save money or just to give that cool gadget, there are plenty of options for energy efficient gifts. Electronics are always popular gifts, and you can fulfill your loved ones' wishes while also helping them save energy by purchasing ENERGY STAR qualified electronics. Computer and office equipment and appliances also receive ENERGY STAR labeling, so do your homework before buying.
Combine Errands to Reduce the Number of Trips You Take - The errands and to-dos just seem to pile up this time of year! Unfortunately, several short trips taken from a cold start can use twice as much fuel as a longer trip covering the same distance when the engine is warm, according to Plan to combine multiple errands into one trip to be as efficient as possible.
For more information, read the entire article.
Thanks to Chris Schultz over at Green is Good for pointing out the DOE's blog as a great resource for anyone who wants to save energy.