
Bail out bill for auto makers

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   This morning on the radio I heard that some members of the senate that oppose the bailout bill for the automakers are planning on a filibuster and it struck me funny that it looks like by all the reporting that there will be enough votes for passage. So why try and hold it up? It reminds me of a little child throwing a tantrum cause they are not getting their way.

   How many times have the airline companies in the united states gotten into trouble and the Goverment have come to their aide? Refused to let them go under.

  Living in West Michigan I drive by countless small auto parts, tool and die makers, seating, mirror, etc, etc, etc companies that are dependent on the big three. I cannot think of another industry that spreads their supply line around like the auto industry does.

  I watched CNN last night and they were interviewing a senator from a state that has more foreign auto makers in it than any other and guess what? Yup, he was against the bailout!!! Sure he is trying to do whats best for his state and take care of all the contributors to his war chest by protecting the foreign auto makers that have created lower paying jobs and take their profits and ship them home.

  I don't know if it is good thing or not (the bail out) I just know without it Michigan will be done it will be one final blow to an economy that has been suffering alot longer than the rest of the country.

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Kate Bourland
Marketing with Kate - Redding, CA
Onlilne Marketing Mobile Marketing

interesting observations.  Just another example of how our congressional leaders are failing America.  What a mess!!  Let's fire congress in our next election.

Dec 11, 2008 01:08 AM
Home Loan Search.Online
Home Loan Search Online - Newnan, GA

I have heard that there have been several Congressman that were switching positions after their vote for or against TARP. We will see what happens in Michigan.

Dec 11, 2008 01:32 AM