
A Better Year in 2009

Real Estate Sales Representative with Halifax Area Properties, LLC BK3029988


Dear Friend,            


Happy Holidays and New Years greetings to you and yours in 2009.


I hope that you enjoyed a healthy, happy and prosperous 2008. That statement may seem strange considering the tone of the daily financial and political news that we have been inundated with this year.  However, I convey the message sincerely because life is short and no matter what our current circumstances may be, as Americans, we are all very blessed with the lives we live, the friends we have and the freedoms we enjoy everyday.


I am sure by now you too have felt the effects of the economic downturn of late. Whether it was in your retirement account, your wallet or your real estate, the now-determined R word has affected most all of us. However, that is not to say that all is bleak and that we should just lie down and wait it until the government bails everyone out and the economy magically turns back to the days of financial prosperity for all.

Chances are that most of us are in for some challenging times ahead. And it is easy to find ourselves wondering what the future has in store for us.  However, those who choose to persevere with a positive mental attitude as part of their daily routine will be the first to realize success from their efforts. The survivors will rise to the top, find new ways to prosper and think of new solutions to challenges that have never been thought of before.  In business, the winners get back to the basics of what always works; the ideas that are sometimes forgotten when times are good. One of those back-to-basics ideas is precisely the reason for this letter.


Networking with our friends and past customers is one of the best ways for anyone to continue in their chosen profession. A simple letter, telephone call or personal visit from you is a great way to remind friends where you are and that you are still here to help them with your product or service. Some of you may already been doing this however, more times than not, we get so busy with other tasks that personal networking gets put on the backburner.


Statistics show that most people prefer to do business with someone they know or someone who was referred by someone they know. That is part of what makes personal relationships wonderful.  When the opportunity comes along, we get to help each other within our chosen field of expertise.  Who knows, your friend may know someone who is looking for exactly what you have to offer or better yet, you may have a friend who could benefit from their product or service. 


In closing, if we stay positive, work together and help each other during these challenging times we will get through this. You may even make some new friends in the process or even reacquaint with some old ones.  A wise man once told me by helping others achieve their goals yours in turn will also be reached. I truly hope that you and your family enjoy a healthy, happy and prosperous New Year.





Skip Stamper