
Belleville Ontario Real Estate

Services for Real Estate Pros with Lyons International

Belleville, Ontario - the population centre of Hastings County, is located directly beside the 401 making it easy to travel if you need to commute to work.  As well as having the highway close by - Belleville, also offers commuter rail service to Kingston, Oshawa, Toronto and beyond in either direction - to facilitate your travel needs.  All of this helps makes Belleville, Ontario Real Estate a prize to be sure - once you visit the area you will surely wish to hang your hat there. 

Everybody loves water - and Belleville certainly has more than it's fair share.  Sitting on the beautiful Bay of Quinte, with the mighty Moira River flowing through the centre of Belleville - and surrounded by a multitude of lakes and rivers makes Belleville Real Estate a real prize and a great investment opportunity.

Looking for Belleville Homes?  Kim Harrison can help you with all your Belleville Real Estate needs.  Whether you are buying or selling a home, commercial property, or farmland Kim Harrison's services are invaluable. 

Before purchasing Real Estate in Belleville, Hastings County you may want to talk to Kim Harrison about some of the local employment opportunities.  There are few large employers that Kim could direct you too, such as: Procter and Gamble, Stream, Sears, Nortel, Lipton and many more...  So let's not hear about how you have no money or no job and can't afford a home.  Let's hear a real success story about how you purchased Belleville, Ontario Real Estate and managed to score your dream home or land a gem of an investment property.