If you want to have top of mind awareness with your farm and outlying areas be topical with your marketing. Don't miss an event on the calendar. Start with a New Year promotion and end it on Christmas. Whether you send your clients a card, have a neighborhood party, don't miss any significant Holiday. Some ideas would be send out a card with the top ten New Year's resolutions and have the 10th one Hire you as their Realtor for life, a flag with your card attched for 4th of July, a heart on a card with a personal message from you, it can be as simple as sending out topical flyers. Sendoutcards.com has a customized program that can use your personal handwriting on your cards and we have used in the past with much success. Check the first quarter today and plan your marketing campaign now and think creatively. If you live in cold snowy climates give out cans of de-icer or ice scaper with your name on it, If there is a local race see if you can sponsor your logo on the water bottles. If you live near the beach see if you can have signage on the trash cans. I personally invented the Listinglight, a night light for real estate signs, which gives my sign and extra 3 or 5 hours of illumination per night. They are great now because it gets dark at 5p.m. and our signs are out of business and no one can read them. Remember to never miss a holiday or significant event with your marketing and keep having your farm area wondering what will you do next! One more thing... a great closing gift is a Bose Clock Radio because they'll think about you in the morning when they wake up and at night before they go to sleep! No need for a logo because...they'll know! Good luck in the upcoming year!
Bob Visotcky