There has been much talk about marketing tools for Agents and I know that especially at this time of year everyone is looking at calendars etc for client gifts.
Personally, I dislike the calendar idea. In the old days these were often to be seen hung behind the toilet door at my Grandmothers house. She lived in the same house that she and my Grandfather had bought just after they got married, right after WWII. The area had changed ALOT since then and all around her smart renovations were underway, but her simple little cottage still stood proudly in the middle. Needless to say she probably received more marketing gifts from Agents than any person I have ever known. She received everything from clocks to calendars, notepads, egg timers, write-n-wipe boards, pens and even a cookbook as end of year gifts from local agents.
Apart from the calendar which she only hung behind the toilet door as "the picture was pretty" (calendars with agents pictures on them saw only the inside of the trash bin). The one gift she had the most use out of, the gift that hung around the longest, was the pen... A humble little pen with a name and phone number on it. The pen lived next to the phone, moved to the fridge door, to the study and later next to her chair where she did crossword puzzles with it.
When she eventually DID sell, do you know who she called? Joan van Zyl... (SEE even I remember her name!)... the agent on the pen....
Ros Null, REVA