I hear the refrain from real estate agents over and over. "If only that darn media would stop saying bad things about the market everything would be fine!" It's one of my pet peeves!
To believe that the media makes the real estate market is absurd! Did we all thank them for creating the buyer frenzy a couple of years ago?
I believe NAR loses credibility when it paints a rosy picture when it's perfectly clear to a lot of us (including home builders) that there is no market rebound in sight in 2007. (Yup, I know! Real estate is local! Bully for you if you've got a rebound happening!)
The media could yell "great buyers market" all day and if people see the "for sale" signs on every other house they're still going to wonder if prices are going to fall further. Blaming the media is too often used as an excuse to sit around and say "poor me" rather than getting out there and going after the business.
In every real estate market some agents will do a great business. There's no reason it can't be me. But if I'm too busy being focused on the great media conspiracy I'm unlikely to get off my rear end and go get the business!
Sometimes the media appears to be our friend. Sometimes it appears to be our enemy. The reality is they're doing their job and trying to earn a living. We'd all be better off doing the same!