It seem to me that 80-85% of my inspections are for vacant homes. The other 15-20% are divorces and people leaving town. I was wondering what is happening in other parts of the country. And are there any national figures on vacant home sales?
In So. Fl. we have an insurance problem and a property tax problem. Both of which are being address by our state legislators. I never seen those guy/gals ever work things out.
AllSpec Professional Property Inspections Inc is a home inspection company doing home inspection in Miami Dade county, Broward county, and Palm Beach county. I am a certified inspector by the highest and best in the profession my grandson. See picture below. His testing is second to none and he proctors all his tests and personally checks on my CEUs. If I get lax or out of hand he will suspend my certification. It is the most prestigious and limited home inspection organization on earth. He is currently researching a certified master board certification but he thinks some guy already register it. He is in contact with a major university to start a doctoral program in home inspection.