Bush - Duck and cover! Interesting comments after the incident! Warning Christian Content!
You have to admit George Bush did a great job of ducking the "shoe thrower" yesterday. We may not all agree with his politics but I think we should all agree that we don't want any harm to come to him.
In the middle east culture to hit someone with the sole of your sandal (or shoe) is a huge insult. In the Hebrew culture specifically the "kinsman redeemer" has a right to redeem property or even a widow of a deceased family member. If the right isn't activated the kinsman will be given a shoe of the widow to be redeemed. This was a sign of shame that this relative that didn't follow through on their obligations to care for the widow. This is exactly the story of Ruth in the Bible. It is a beautiful love story. Not only about Boaz' love for Ruth and visa versa but also a symbol of our great kinsman reedemer "Jesus Christ". It is a quick read only 4 Chapters. The book can be found between Judges and 1Samuel. Why don't you read it tonight.