
The Times

Real Estate Agent with Freelove Enterprises

Having been in the real estate industry for a consider time 30 + years I have seen very good and bad times.  The ups and the downs.  We are very rarely on a steady pace.  Either to much or to little. The times when you had to many sales and now to few, or none at all. The cliche that attitude is everything is a motto that we must believe in.  Yes, I know how hard it is when you can not pay your bills, can't sleep, can't eat, been there and lived through it and am about to go through it again.  The key to the situation is your attitude, no matter how bad it gets it will get better! You set your goals, your priorities, and get down to it.  I give platelets every two weeks and 2 weeks ago I got a call that a 5 year old boy was in dire need in Orlando Children's Cancer Center.  I went to the blood bank and gave a double and while there thinking of all my troubles I then thought of a 5 year old child having cancer, having all the needles, the pain and realty that he might not live very long!  Kind of puts our problems in real perspective.  Do it now, do it every day, do it right, keep your attitude right and you will be a better person.

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George Freelove
Freelove Enterprises - Orlando, FL

See how lucky we have it, no matter how bad it may seem!

Dec 15, 2008 09:56 PM