
31st Annual Historical Christmas in Montgomery

Real Estate Agent with Texas Home Group

The 31stAnnual Historical Christmas in Montgomery took place last Saturday. I missed the parade but took a stroll through the Marketplace. The shopping was fun with many of the local stores and artist highlighting their wares. The wind threatened to blow away the tents but shopping was brisk with many attendees picking up Christmas gifts.


The Cookie Walk was the highlight of the day. The line to  enter the Community Center never seemed to get any smaller and you knew by the smell once you entered that the wait was well worth it! The thousands of homemade cookies piled high on the holiday decorated tables were a delight to the senses. I swear I gained 5lbs just smelling the cookies.










Later in the day the Montgomery Historical homes were open for a Candlelight Home Tour. 


This event is sponsored each year by the Montgomery Historical Society and all monies collected go towards the restoration and preservation of the seven buildings owned by the Montgomery Historical Society.

This is just another example of why Montgomery/Lake Conroe is a wonderful place to live. The whole community turns out to support local functions and not a month goes by without something fun and interesting happening in the area.  

The local website and calendar can be found at Historic Montgomery 


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Marchel Peterson
Results Realty - Spring, TX
Spring TX Real Estate E-Pro

Crystal, I'm glad it was a success.  I was over at a friends the week before as she was making cookies to take.  I forgot to ask her how it turned out though.

Dec 16, 2008 03:11 PM
Michael DaSilva


Sounds like it was a great time for all!  I hope you and your family have a blessed Christmas!

Dec 17, 2008 03:00 AM
Crystal Ledbetter
Texas Home Group - Montgomery, TX

Marchel you should try to come out next year!

Michael have a Merry Christmas and a Happy Safe New year!

Dec 18, 2008 12:15 PM
Russell Lewis
Realty Austin, Austin Texas Real Estate - Austin, TX

Hi Crystal, what a great Localism post! Great pictures and a beautiful setting! Best of the Holidays to you my friend!

Dec 20, 2008 11:31 PM
Russel Ray, San Diego Business & Marketing Consultant & Photographer
Russel Ray - San Diego State University, CA

Hope you had a Merry Christmas. Best wishes for health, happiness, peace, and prosperity in 2009.

Dec 26, 2008 05:43 PM