
Duplex for sale by Logan Simmons Charleston SC 72 Amherst Street Buyers and Sellers Agent

Real Estate Sales Representative with Exit Realty Charleston Group
72 Amherst St Charleston, SC
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Thank you for your interest in Logan Simmons listing. You may reach Logan directly at 843-345-9424. For more information from Logans free audio hotline, please call 1-800-961-6706 ext 2809. 72 Amherst Street, Charleston SC 29403, is a grand old duplex built in 1895. This property is located only one block off of Meeting Street. The price has been reduced nearly fourty three thousand dollars! This house has straight lines, no sagging, or bowing, it seems to have "good bones". Each unit is approximately 1,826 square feet! Many of the original architectural details are intact, including the window moldings and sliding pocket doors off of the main halls. You are sure to appreciate the soaring ceilings, double piazzas and flexibility of the floor plans. It would not take much work to make these units rentable again. An owner could certainly live in one unit and rent the other. The house is built up high on a substantial crawl space. This property is within walking distance to the College of Charleston, the Medical University of South Carolina, and very close to the Charleston Law School. Power and water, turned off at the street, are still connected to the downstairs unit. The list price is only $105.72 a square foot! This property will be sold in, as is, physical condition. Upstairs there are five rooms, two full baths, a parlor, and a kitchen. Downstairs there are four rooms, one bath, a parlor, and a kitchen. Call Logan for a private showing today! 843-345-9424
MLS# 2833621
7 Bed, 3 Bath
72 Amherst St
Charleston SC, 29403


Logan Simmons
Logan Simmons