
Home Value Check in Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Calabasas, Simi Valley

Real Estate Agent with

Curious about the value of your home?  Go to and click on InstantHomeValuation to see what your home might be worth or you can even check the value of a home that you might be interested in purchasing.

You can also click on this link as a short cut to the instanct valuation InstantHomeValuation

Check values in Thousand Oaks, Westlake Village, Calabasas, Simi Valley, Wood Ranch, Newbury Park, Moorpark, Camarillo and Ventura County. 

If you prefer to have a more thorough and detailed evaluation I am available to provide that to you.

You can also search the same areas for foreclosures, short sales, investment properties, condos, town homes and singel family homes.  It is an easy to search format.  I know you are just in the fact finding mode and welcome your questions, no obligation.



Wendy Pickard

(805) 558-6624