Not much really.
Just be patient, persistent and be prepared for the unexpected. Know the state guidelines and requirements. The pitfalls would be the lack of follow up. If you stay on task and keep good notes it will eventually happen.
Also be prepared for the reaction in the real estate community. Some will be professional and welcome you with the idea that the economy is stable enough to support another office. Some will view you as competition and not be as welcoming.
It was once said that man was created to live on the edge. Without the adventures in life it might become boring. Owning your own real estate office is not boring and certainly living on the edge. The more stability you can place within the office, the more likely you are to be a place where agents are attracted.
Know you abilities and surround yourself with those of more skill, experience and talent. Depending on your goals for the office, it is hard to imagine doing it alone. In my opinion, a real estate office is a team atmosphere. Not only within you own office but your real estate offices within you market place. You need to have friends in other offices. Those people who recognize a good listing and appreciate the efforts of an office attempting to " real estate right".
Although this blog may not have provided a lot of technical detail, it seems appropriate to offer a word of encouragement in a time when a lot of people are struggling.