Our North Orange county market (Brea, Placentia, Fullerton, Yorba Linda and Anaheim)is not declining in value as fast as other areas. Many indicators are showing that the bottom has been reached. The demand for properties that are priced right is very high. It is not uncommon to have multiple offers on properties that are priced according to market.
If you are a buyer and you do not want to lose the chance to get your offer accepted on the home of your choice have your agent prepare a CMA for that property and make your offer accordingly.
If you are listing your home in our communities (Brea, Placentia, Fullerton, Yorba Linda and Anaheim) make sure that you hire an agent that will keep you informed of all the market trends taking place in your community. Although it seems like the market is leveling off, this is not a certainty and the possibility of the market declining even more is still there. So the most important decision you have to make when listing your home is to price it right. Remember that the first 10 days after listing your property is when you will find the most buyer interest. If you over price you are hurting your chances of getting the most for your home.
If you have any questions you can contact me at 714-476-2629.