TOPIC: Improving conditions in Denver’s market
There are some signs of strengthening in our Denver market. The metro area's inventory of available resale housing decreased 20% to 23,120 units in October from October 2007. Some of this reduced inventory is attributed to homeowners taking their properties off the market in frustration because their property is not selling, but lower inventory implies a strengthening market. Remember, the Denver area had housing inventory of 31,989 units in July 2006. Home sales rose 14% to 4,265 in September compared to the same month last year. This is due almost entirely to the lower-end of the market (under $180K) selling like hotcakes. October's median selling price for single-family homes decreased 12% to $206,000 from the same month of '07, and was down 4.7% from September's median of $216,150. Median selling price for single-family homes dropped 10.5% to $222,000 through October, from $248,000 through October '07.Prices are still falling, but at a slowing pace. This trend should continue into 2009 when it is expected to bottom out and slowly climb back. Hang on, it's gonna continue to be a wild ride!