
It's all about expectations!!!!

Real Estate Agent with INES GARCIA/Avanti Way Realty

What do you expect from your broker / brokerage firm???

It is very important to match what we as Brokers offer with what our associates are expecting from us. The resources and time we invest should serve to make them more productive. It's easy to focus in the wrong direction and provide unnecesary services and oversee others.

We all do our best and want to keep improving ourselves and our offices. Managing an office is a learning process and that is what I enjoy most about my job.

I would really want to know what you want:

What resources would you want to have available?

What kind of information you want to receive?

What kind of training?

How you would want to receive communications?

How often would you want to participate in "social activities"?

What kind of recognition?

Just tell me what you expect..........

Ines Garcia

Managing Broker

EWM Southwest Broward Office


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Anita Cachaldora
Great post Ines...communication with the associates is very important...Anita
Apr 26, 2007 10:43 AM
Randi Rapp
Randi Rapp - Aventura, FL
great post! It is really important for us to ask questions to determine what the agent's expectations from the broker and the office are. It is equally important for us to let the agents know what our expectations are of them. This way all are cards are on the table and and there will be less misperceptions! Randi
Apr 26, 2007 01:31 PM
Beth Butler
Beth Butler - Big Mouth Consulting - Miami, FL
nice job ines... I will be interested to read the comments here.  
Apr 26, 2007 01:33 PM
Caroline Carrara
EWM/Christie's-Las Olas, Real Estate - Fort Lauderdale, FL
Ines, I agree with both Randi and Anita, communication is the key...The broker and the agents both have to be on the same page, expectations and boundaries have to be establish...I am interested to see if any agents comment on what they expect...
Apr 27, 2007 02:36 AM
Allison Werner
To Be Announced - Middletown, NJ
Great questions Ines, and it is important to have these questions answered prior to agents joining your office. Once they are a member of your team, if their expectations are different from what you offer, the agent will look at it as though you are living up to your end, and that will leave a bad taste in their mouth.
Apr 27, 2007 03:51 AM
Agreed, setting expections is Key.  If all parties enter into a relationship with the same expectations, you are off to a great start. I believe this is especially true in recruiting efforts.  Not all associates are a great fit for every company.   It's much better to learn where you don't fit early in the game than investing time and effort only to find out there isn't a fit later on.
Apr 27, 2007 02:23 PM
JoAnn Hostutler
EWM Realtors - Weston, FL

Great point Ines!  Expectations should be discussed prior to someone joining your firm.  That way there will no disappointments later.  You are on the right track!!  Communication is key!


Apr 29, 2007 01:58 PM
Dick & Sandy Beals
Wilmington Real Estate 4U Wilmington, NC - Wilmington, NC

Hi Ines,

 I asked those questions  (or very similar) just recently, and the response was different than my expectations.  In a sales meeting setting it was discovered that training was not that important, having a great web site is, but, everyone, 100% of 11 people basically wanted , expected, and felt that the most important item is for the Broker/Owner to be available, and needed weekly correspondence.

Dick Beals

May 01, 2007 03:33 AM
Gustavo Arcia
Arclinea Miami - C Gables, FL
Great topic.  Expectations also affect the client, since the quality of the agent's training, interpersonal skills, and the quality of local knowledge are some of the key factors that affect the agent/client relationship.  In Florida, where new people are coming into the State every day, having an agent that meets our expectations as clients is a wonderful thing and a prelude to realtor loyalty.
May 01, 2007 07:05 AM
Ines Garcia
INES GARCIA/Avanti Way Realty - Weston, FL
Real Estate for Real People


you are more than right, tne of the main problems when the expectations are not known is that you can do your best and it will be impossible to please an agent. A bad taste in their mouth can become a bad taste in many mouths....

Thanks for your comment!


May 02, 2007 02:05 AM
Ines Garcia
INES GARCIA/Avanti Way Realty - Weston, FL
Real Estate for Real People

Dick and Sandy,

It surprises me to find out that training was not that important (I didn't expect that either)......When I call agents to invite them to join our company many times their response is: I am very happy with my Broker! Probably he was available when needed.

I am proud to say that I am there for my associates 24/7...



May 02, 2007 02:14 AM
Ines Garcia
INES GARCIA/Avanti Way Realty - Weston, FL
Real Estate for Real People


Real Estate agents have to make sure that their buyers understand the buy/sell process. Many people get involved in a real estate transaction. Besides what a client expect from them (knowledge and skills) they don't work alone; cooperating brokers, lenders, title companies... can make mistakes that will affect the transaction.

Thanks for accepting the invitation!


May 02, 2007 03:01 AM
Dick & Sandy Beals
Wilmington Real Estate 4U Wilmington, NC - Wilmington, NC

 Hi Ines,

Ya know Active Rain could be a pretty great training ground....just point them in the right direction.  I don't think being avaiable 24/7 is what you want....having them think you are works just as well

Dick Beals

May 02, 2007 03:26 AM
Ines Garcia
INES GARCIA/Avanti Way Realty - Weston, FL
Real Estate for Real People


I can tell them I am available because they don't call me after hours unless they really need to.

I have a great group of people and our company provides them with very good training. I am there to help my associates grow and to guide them when they need advise on how to handle an issue.

I am sure that having the possibility to call me gives them peace of mind, even if they don't do the call...


May 02, 2007 03:49 AM
Dena Stevens
Rocky Mountain Realty - Canon City, CO
Putting The Real Into Realtor Since 2004
OH my goodness, there are two of you! This is great, but if there is another Dena Stevens I'm going to go hide!
Jun 01, 2007 01:37 PM
Ines Garcia
INES GARCIA/Avanti Way Realty - Weston, FL
Real Estate for Real People

Incredible....It's very funny to find someone with your name invloved in the same activity.

 Thanks for your comment


Jun 04, 2007 07:55 AM

Hi Ines,

great topic. My company offers real estate photography and we get to talk with many different agents about what their offices provide them and don't provide them. We never really talk about their training because it is out of the realm of photography, but most of them tell us that their main concern is that their broker keeps the company website updated and helps find someone to build their own.

A lot of them also tell us that they wish their brokers paid for photography that way the quality in the company's listings presentation would be consistent and they wouldn't have to worry about another agent from the same office presenting their listings in an unprofessional way by displaying bad looking pictures.


Trade and Value

Jul 06, 2007 02:41 AM
Ines Garcia
INES GARCIA/Avanti Way Realty - Weston, FL
Real Estate for Real People


Great point! Having consistent pictures in all company listings is very important. Most of our associates are getting virtual tours from a very good company.

Jul 26, 2007 12:55 PM