As real estate professionals, we can appreciate the impact and importance of relationship building.
With this in mind...I thought I'd share with you, my recent correspondence with a national coffee retailer.
So...I've been a Starbucks fan and loyal customer for decades.
Ask anyone who knows me.
So...mostly for convenience and expediency, I've used a Starbucks card to make my purchases for several years now.
Last year, upon becoming aware of the perks associated with registering my card, I did so and happily added one pump of syrup to my usual double tall at no-charge (at least on the occasions that I took the time to clarify with the personnel that my card was registered and it was my understanding that syrup would be no extra charge.)
So...when it was explained to me that I could receive an additional 10% off if I ponied up $25 cash to purchase your extra-special black and gold card, I did the math and figured, it's not a huge savings but probably worth it. The pitch was..with 10% savings, I should recoup my initial investment in about 60 drinks... with a twice-weekly purchase I'd break even in a little over half a year.
Almost a no-brainer, right?
However, this new math did not take into account one little bit of information.
That being that once I had handed over my $25, Starbucks promptly revoked my free syrup reward!
Even though I dutifully registered my shiny new black and gold card and transferred my Automatic Reload instructions to the new card...sorry, they get 10% discount INSTEAD of the syrup. "But it's better...right?" Sure, a whole 12 cents better.
Now, math was not my best subject in school but I did OK and even a 5th grader could calculate the difference between a 42-cent savings and a 12-cent savings.
At this new and unimproved rate, I would need to drink no fewer than 203 lattes just to break even! So...thanks a lot Starbucks!
You got me. I trusted you. I thought you cared about me. I thought our relationship was know, special.
I decided to let it go and move on....but you couldn't let it rest, could you? Today you had the chutzpah to suggest I might wish to purchase one of those $25 shiny black and gold cards for a friend.
Betrayal...the gift that keeps on giving.
No thanks Starbucks.