
Thanks a lot...Starbucks

Real Estate Agent with Long and Foster Real Estate

As real estate professionals, we can appreciate the impact and importance of relationship building.

With this in mind...I thought I'd share with you, my recent correspondence with a national coffee retailer.



So...I've been a Starbucks fan and loyal customer for decades.

Ask anyone who knows me.


So...mostly for convenience and expediency, I've used a Starbucks card to make my purchases for several years now.

Last year, upon becoming aware of the perks associated with registering my card, I did so and happily added one pump of syrup to my usual double tall at no-charge (at least on the occasions that I took the time to clarify with the personnel that my card was registered and it was my understanding that syrup would be no extra charge.)

So...when it was explained to me that I could receive an additional 10% off if I ponied up $25 cash to purchase your extra-special black and gold card, I did the math and figured, it's not a huge savings but probably worth it. The pitch was..with 10% savings, I should recoup my initial investment in about 60 drinks... with a twice-weekly purchase I'd break even in a little over half a year.


Almost a no-brainer, right?

However, this new math did not take into account one little bit of information.

That being that once I had handed over my $25, Starbucks promptly revoked my free syrup reward!

Even though I dutifully registered my shiny new black and gold card and transferred my Automatic Reload instructions to the new card...sorry, they get 10% discount INSTEAD of the syrup. "But it's better...right?" Sure, a whole 12 cents better.

Now, math was not my best subject in school but I did OK and even a 5th grader could calculate the difference between a 42-cent savings and a 12-cent savings.


At this new and unimproved rate, I would need to drink no fewer than 203 lattes just to break even! So...thanks a lot Starbucks!

You got me. I trusted you. I thought you cared about me. I thought our relationship was know, special.

I decided to let it go and move on....but you couldn't let it rest, could you? Today you had the chutzpah to suggest I might wish to purchase one of those $25 shiny black and gold cards for a friend.

Betrayal...the gift that keeps on giving.

No thanks Starbucks.

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Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Las Vegas, NV

Robin - I have had several friends that have worked for Starbucks many years ago when they first came out and everything was fresh made. within the past few years now, most of Starbucks drinks come in pre-made packages. The taste is not the same as it was when it was freshly made.

My personal opinion, Starbucks is over rated! Sorry for the disappointment to Starbuck Coffee drinkers.

Dec 22, 2008 09:09 AM
Frances C. Rokicki
Fran Rokicki Realty, LLC - Bolton, CT

I used to go there often.  The coffee was really too strong for me.  I switched to the decaf, but, in time, didn't like the after taste.  So, they may offer all the perks that they want, they will not see me on a regular basis.  Trying to drink more water and juice now.:)  Have a nice holiday!

Dec 22, 2008 09:53 AM
Terry Haugen STAGE it RIGHT! 321-956-2495
Stage it Right! - Melbourne, FL

Robin, I  never go to Starbucks, too corporate!!!!  There are lots of other privately owned, wonderful coffee shops around to choose from, and you won't be held hostage by Starbucks lure of something free.  There is nothing free in the corporate world!

Dec 22, 2008 01:01 PM
John MacArthur
Century 21 Redwood - Washington, DC
Licensed Maryland/DC Realtor, Metro DC Homes

Robin - I have to say that Starbucks saw you coming. For sure, they put together some concoctions that sound good and maybe even some that taste ok. I just think that once you have had coffee from Cafe Dumond............well.............nothing in one of the fancy $3 per cup places seems worth it.

I also find it hard to trust a company that can't just call their drinks ...small, medium and large. I don't need a new language to enjoy my cup of Joe.

Let's see............Starbucks...fancy sounding and high priced...or 7-11 ....good coffee but a lot of everything else that makes the stop linger........or Dunkin Donuts...where good coffee can still be enjoyed with a fresh donut.

All of that aside........corporate america ripped you off. They can point to the small print. They can smuggly say we followed the letter of the law. Knowledge of the law is important for corporate types. They will need it when they file for bankruptcy when a large sampling of their current customer base decides they prefer the cup of coffee they ordered at the price they expected to pay.

Dec 22, 2008 02:27 PM
Alisha Harrison
John L. Scott, Belfair - Belfair, WA
Allyn, Belfair and Hood Canal real estate expert!

Do you still purchase Starbucks?

I love my latte's. I try to limit myself to 2 per week. I make some at home. (I'm pretty good, as I used to be a barista.) But I do not go to Starbucks unless it is the only drive through around. I prefer the independantly owned and operated coffee shops that are on every corner in my neck of the woods. ~A:)

Dec 23, 2008 04:01 AM
Robin Kurtz
Long and Foster Real Estate - Kensington, MD

Alisha, know i do. I'm addicted to Starbucks. Unfortunately, in my area of the world, there really aren't a lot of alternatives. I've tried some of the competition...their product just wasn't the same.

So I guess I'm hooked.

Dec 23, 2008 01:54 PM
Paul Slaybaugh
Homesmart - Scottsdale, AZ
Scottsdale, AZ Real Estate

They kill you on the specialty drinks, but consider the plight of us average black coffee Joes.  At least the grande half-caf triple soy latte with whip sounds like it should cost six bucks.  I eagerly shell out two bones for plain house coffee.  The definition of insanity may very well be the expectation of different results from the same practice, but the definition of sucker is me.  Even when I grind their beans at home, it's not the same.  They put some kind of insidious black tar meth hybrid directly into the cup, I'm sure of it. 

See you in line.

Dec 23, 2008 02:33 PM
Robin Kurtz
Long and Foster Real Estate - Kensington, MD


I'm certain there is something in there akin to the coca that used to be in Coca-cola.

At some point, government officials will surely discover it and proclaim it a controlled substance thereby relegating SB lattes to the black market and driving the price sky high.

Hope your Christmas was merry!



Dec 25, 2008 02:37 PM
Robin Moffitt
Gold Star Realty, Inc. - Nampa, ID
"Gold Star Service....Gold Star Results !"


Great post...and I get the humor thread, too!  So much for the ambiance of the shop itself...maybe we can just go in, sit and breath in the aroma of the brew, eh?  Oh, but for the taste!  I'm not a corporate enthusiast either, as some commented.  Try Yuban!  Happy New Year. 


Dec 25, 2008 04:59 PM
Robin Kurtz
Long and Foster Real Estate - Kensington, MD

Hi Robin,

Thanks for the tip on the Yuban brand. I actually drink Cafe DuMonde coffee when at home.

But there's just something about stopping for a little SB treat that makes my day a little lighter.


Dec 25, 2008 05:21 PM
Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495


I'm headed to Starbucks, but just wanted to take the time to commiserate with you.  I have avoided the specialty card, registered my regular card, and drink black coffee.  Refills are free, saving 54 cents here in Tucson, and the Wi-Fi is free too.  Never upgrade!

Mike in Tucson

Dec 25, 2008 10:35 PM
Robin Kurtz
Long and Foster Real Estate - Kensington, MD you tell me!

Thanks for stopping by. Wish your barista a happy holiday for me.


Dec 26, 2008 12:19 AM
Robin Kurtz
Long and Foster Real Estate - Kensington, MD

Thanks Deborah. I'm impressed that you have owned a cafe...something I have frequently daydreamed about.

Who knows? That may have even been what I was doing when my profile photo was taken.

You might be interested to know, they aren't doing a very good job of damage control. I submitted the post above as a letter to Starbucks the very same day I posted it here and the only response I've received so far is a form letter thanking me for my "interest in Starbucks" and for taking time to contact them and paying lip service to the idea that they "value" my comments.

Allegedly my feedback has been passed on to their Starbucks Card department for their attention.

Actions speak louder than words, don't they?

Jan 02, 2009 05:23 AM
Sherie Earley-Womack
Choice Real Estate - Monterey, TN

That makes me sad. I loved them....... now I am not so sure

Jan 02, 2009 06:26 AM
Peter Edelen - Living Atop A Coffee Shop

The key is in their name... Star BUCKS.  :-)   I'm still annoyed I have to pay an annual membership for book discounts at Barnes and Noble, yet my Borders discount card is free.  I wish Borders was closer.  :-)

Jan 05, 2009 06:00 AM
Liz Moras Migic
Chilliwack, BC
Chilliwack, British Columbia - Realtor

too bad :-(  I hope you wrote to them too?..I know make my own starbucks for the most part.......the service is getting worse, the coffee is no longer 'consistently ' good - and more then 1/2 the time they don't serve 'bold' but just the houseblend! darn! :-)

Mar 22, 2009 05:55 PM
Sarah Eubanks
Hill Valley Financial Services - Oregon City, OR
Preferred Oregon Loan Consultant & Notary Public

I am a Starbucks fan as well.  I just recently obtained a new high up corporate client from Starbucks.  I will pass this along, as I feel the same way.  :)  Keeping your customers happy should be priority one.  Happy drinking to you...

May 12, 2009 04:14 AM