
Change is Hard but the Results can be Rewarding

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Realty of Brevard 117953

     As human beings, we can all get into our routines and ruts. "This is how we do this", I always do ___ this way", "When I am driving, I always ___", "We usually spend Christmas at ___", etc.

     Then something changes in our lives. Maybe a new young staff member at the office who has better (newer) computer skills who can show me a faster, better way to do something that is eating up my time. So the systems must be changed.

      We lose a loved one, as I did, or all the kids are grown and scattered, so Mama is not hosting Christmas or Thanksgiving this year. That opens another window. Now the daughters can step in and be the hostess for family and friends. Mama can help, as well as relax and enjoy the family more. Traditional foods can be changed to include some new dishes and eliminate a few oldies that are too difficult or unhealthy as the group prefers. Mama can share recipes and help the younger ones carry on the preferred ones. New games are played. Great times are had! Lots of good memories! Or what about a Cruise?

     We get that way with our prospecting and business as well. "This is how I always start my day." (Is it maybe time for a change or shake-up?)"I advertise my properties _______." (Is this still working or is there a more effective way?) "I always meet my clients at the office" (Is this the best way for them to do business? Maybe kids or mobility issues make in-home meetings best.)

     I have challenged myself and suggest you may also want to consider looking at all the routines and systems, and even the stuff and seeing if they are still working best for us. In the shifted market, we need to consider the amount of time, the cost, the effectivness and ROI of all we do. In case you haven't noticed, the times are changing whether we like it or not. Money is not endless and it will not extend your enjoyable liifetime. Neither is life. It slips by with no way to slow it down. My goals need to be redefined as I learn to live alone for the first time in decades.

     And real estate has also made tremendous changes and with a continually growing burst of unstoppable speed,  Even if the market is difficult in your area, the way we do it is still radically different. It IS time for change. Embrace it. Enjoy it! Make it an Awesome 2009!

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Robin Moffitt
Gold Star Realty, Inc. - Nampa, ID
"Gold Star Service....Gold Star Results !"

Merry Christmas, Pat:  You are so right.  At the beginning of every new year we should all make a pact that we will do some 'self' cleaning and directing.  Is that what all the mystery is about New Year's predictions?...Oh well, I guess someone else had my idea long ago.  But really now!  We should take on the task of new beginnings with excitement and challenge.  We all have challenges and triumphs...we all need to focus and as I always say, "Enjoy the journey".  Thank you for your insight and making me think about my blessings and....making me realize that I've got to get to work on my 'changes' for 2009.  I'm ready to begin...I'm beginning...I'm doin' it!

May you reach your wildest goal...make a big one!  Let me know how you do!  We'll share!  Robin

Dec 24, 2008 12:44 AM
Jenniffer Lee
RE/MAX Complete Solutions - Boca Raton, FL
Broker/Owner/Realtor at RE/MAX Complete Solutions

Great post! Totally on point!  Those who have changed in this market have prospered.  Change is inevitable.

Dec 28, 2008 04:18 AM
Daniel J. Brudnok, REALTOR
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Fox & Roach, REALTORS - Exton - PA License #RS-225179-L / Delaware License #RS-0025038 - Downingtown, PA


I hope you had a nice Christmas.....

I am very hard at change.....and since I joined KW last February I have made good strides in changing that....LOL

Dec 29, 2008 06:33 AM
Colleen Cooley
The Corcoran Group - Jupiter, FL
CRS - Jupiter Florida

Pat, You are so right.  It is so so important to keeping growing. Remember the definition of insanity... doing the same thing over & over, then expecting different results!

Jan 02, 2009 11:20 AM
Not a real person
San Diego, CA

Part of my weekly goals is doing something outside of my comfort zone. That way, when things happen that I am not comfortable with, I have no problem addressing them adequately.

Jan 12, 2009 01:22 AM
Karla Sparks
Chinowth & Cohen Realty - Owasso, OK


You should be proud of yourself! That was a great post. It might help people understand that they can become more creative and enjoy life more fully by simply changing habits.

Jan 18, 2009 05:40 AM