Anatomy Of A Successful Web Page
The steps that you take to create a successful webpage are the same every time. The mind map titled " Anatomy of a Successful Webpage" helps me to stay on track:
The following are two examples of web pages that I created two weeks ago. As you can see, they are already ranking for the keywords that I targeted:
Webpage Google Yahoo MSN
Residential Roofing 9 12 8
House Cleaning Prices 5 2 1
The following notes are a brief explanation of some the points highlighted in the mind map:
1- New Page Objectives:
Determine your primary objective of the new page. Are you going to be using it to generate leads or to sell a product. This step is important to stay on target building the new page.
2- Create a Page Outline
This step will serve as the check list to create the meat of your product. Create a rough outline of your ultimate page.
3- Identify Your Customers
In this step, you are required to create a customer profile. Use the following bullets to brainstorm;
- Approximate age
- Male or female
- Education
- Approximate income
- Work Habits
4- Select Target Keywords
In this step, you will discover the words that your customer are using to find your products. To help you with this task, the are my favorite several free keyword tools:
- SEO Tools: This site has many useful links to other keyword sites. Try them until you find the tool that will fit your needs.
- Word Tracker:
- KwMap: This is an excellent tool that will show you a map of the keyword you requested.
- For best results, create your page around two keywords.
5 - Attention Grabbing Title
The best suggestion for a great title is to include your keywords. You will get better results if you include them early or at the beginning of the tile.
If you have any suggestions or tips on how to improve the mind map, email your comments and I will update it as needed.
Thanks and Enjoy