
Are You Confused By Credit Scores?

Mortgage and Lending with Mortgage Financial, Inc.

Credit scores still confuse and frustrate many consumers, according to a study by the Consumer Federation of America.  "Despite all the news coverage about credit scores over the past year or so, many consumers still do not understand important facts about these increasingly influential numbers," said Stephen Brobeck, CFA's executive director. To provide consumers with basic information about credit scores, CFA and Fair Isaac Corporation (developer of the FICO credit score) have prepared a brochure that is being distributed by the Federal Citizen Information Center.  The brochure contains the most important information about the score most mortgage lenders and other businesses use, including what factors influence its rise and fall and how consumers can get their own scores. To obtain a copy of the brochure, titled "Your Credit Scores," contact the Federal Citizen Information Center at 1-888-878-3256 or online at:  It's important for persons shopping for a home to understand the basics of credit scores.  Accessing your personal score and learning how to improve it can put you in a much stronger position to obtain the best possible mortgage.