If you are like most first time home buyers, you've probably listened to friends, family and co-workers advice many of whom are encouraging you to buy a home. However you may still wonder if buying a home is the right thing for you to do. Relax having reservations is normal. The more educated you become on buying a home the more comfortable you will be doing it. Here are eight reason to help you start getting educated. See the definitions for each at www.homebuying.com or e-mail for more of the explanations.
1. Pride of ownership
2. Appreciation
3. Mortgage Interest Deductions
4. Property Tax Deductions
5. Equity Loans
6. Mortgage Reduction Build Equity
7. Perferential Tax Treatment
8. Capital Gain Exclusion
Find a real estate agent and interview her/him. Ask if they know the area and call or e-mail a mortgage broker to see if now is the time to buy for you.